Location: Bucharest, Romania

Year: 2020

Design: Exisim

Surface: 20 sqm

Status: Ongoing

W79 Suite Bathroom

An elegant brightly lit bathroom design using Carrara marble, rough exposed dark concrete, dark Oak as well as dark brass accents.

The Serip Chandelier offers a warmer, more natural component in contrast to the rough materials and complements the Eccentrico freestanding washbasin from Falper.

Find more about Serip here: https://www.serip.com.pt/en/home

Find more about Falper here: https://www.falper.it/

W79 Baie Master

O baie eleganta in tonuri deschise ce foloseste materiale premium precum marmura Carrara, beton buciardat inchis la culoare, stejar inchis dar si accente de alama.

Candelabrul de la Serip confera spatiului o senzatie mai apropiata de natura, aflandu-se in contrast cu rigiditatea celorlalte materiale si complementeaza lavoarul cu picior Eccentrico de la Falper.

Aflati mai multe despre Serip aici: https://www.serip.com.pt/en/home

Aflati mai multe despre Falper aici: https://www.falper.it/