Location: Bruges, Belgium

Year: 2020

Design: Artroom Studio/Exisim

Surface: 1740 sqm

Status: Concept

Initially started as a proof of concept this lovely small corner located in Bruges, Belgium, shows us that the old meets the new and the exterior shell of a former two-story building gets revitalized using glass and refurbished brick. It gets a new appearance and turns into a three-story home suitable for a modern lifestyle while maintaining parts of its initial appearance as a tribute to the architectural approach from before.

Inceput initial ca un studiu de caz, acest mic colt imaginar din Bruges, Belgia ne demonstreaza ca arhitectura trecuta se imbina cu cea noua prin intermediul unei coji restaurate din caramida careia i se adauga sticla. Structura de rezistenta este modificata iar cladirea primeste o infatisare noua, transformand-o in 3 etaje locuibile, perfecte pentru un stil de viata modern. S-au pastrat aspecte initiale ale arhitecturii ca un tribut al stilului de dinainte.